Thesaurus are dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms. It is common to find lists of antonyms and synonyms in online dictionaries, but if you need a more detailed description of each one and know which is the one that best fits in your context you can use them.
On the website Thesaurus I searched for the term "accurate", an adjective with two possible definitions. Thesaurus gives you for each definition a list of synonyms that you can sort by relevance or alphabetical order and filter the synonyms by level of complexity, length and formal or informal use. You can click on each of the synonyms and it takes you to the definition of the term and another list of synonyms which allows you to know which one best suits your context.
It also includes below a list of antonyms for that word.
In my opinion, it is a good resource if you don't want to repeat the same word in your texts and expand your vocabulary.
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